Keynote Speakers

Prof. Gianluca Tozzi

School of Engineering, University of Greenwich, UK

Presentation Title:

Imaging-based measurements and artificial intelligence for biological tissues and biomaterials


Gianluca Tozzi is Professor of Industrial Engineering at the School of Engineering, University of Greenwich. He has pioneered research that advanced the understanding of biological tissues and biomaterials through the integration of high-resolution X-ray tomography, experimental mechanics, full-field measurement techniques such as digital volume correlation and artificial intelligence. Prof Tozzi published extensively and serves as reviewer for UK/International funding agencies and peer-reviewed journals. He has secured funding from various grants as well as direct support from industry, where the research produced a tangible impact with commercial exploitation.

Dr. Ibukunolu Oladunjoye

Innovation Engineer, National Grid Electricity Transmission, London, UK

Presentation Title:

Intelligent Computing in the Age of Quantum, Edge, and Cloud


Dr. Ibukunolu Oladunjoye works with National Grid Electricity Transmission (NGET) as an Innovation Engineer within the Infrastructure Development & Delivery (Strategy and Innovation) Net Zero Innovation team. He joined National Grid in August 2022 and manages NGET’s Automation, Control, Digitalisation and Operational Cyber Security Innovation portfolio. He holds a bachelor’s degree in electrical and computer Engineering, an MSc in Systems and Control, and a PhD in Control Engineering. Ibukunolu brings valuable expertise to the table as he possesses diverse expertise spanning across engineering domains, including experience in the oil and gas and digital space. Just before joining National Grid, Ibukunolu worked as an Innovation Specialist on the Digital Rail project at the Centre for Railway Research and Education (University of Birmingham), where he acquired transferrable skills and knowledge relevant to the digital railway.

Dr Wim JC Melis,

Faculty of Engineering & Science, University of Greenwich, UK

Presentation Title:

The Quest for AI Systems


Dr Wim JC Melis obtained a PhD (2005) in Electronic Engineering – Computing Systems from Imperial College, London, where he had previously obtained an MSc in Analogue and Digital Integrated Circuit Design (2001). He received his first degree in Belgium as an Industrial Engineering in Electronics (MSc). From 2005-2010, he worked at the European Patent Office in The Hague as a Patent Examiner (2005-2010) and took a sabbatical at Tohoku university Japan (2008-2009) working as a COE Fellow on a project to create hardware for a software-based functional model of the human brain. Early 2011, he joined the University of Greenwich as a senior lecturer and was promoted to an associate professor of holistic design in 2019, since late 2022 he also serves as the Associate Head for Research and Knowledge exchange within the School of Engineering. His research interests are quite varied and exploring cross-disciplinary solutions that go back and question basic principles. He applies this in the context of computing, by design biologically inspired alternative computer hardware for e.g. AI applications, in the area of sustainable energy generation and management to create more efficient system of system setups, and then also contributes to the challenge of retrofitting of properties covering aspects from fabric first, all the way to smart homes.