The school has a number of research centres and groups, including The AI and
Data Science research group (AI&DS) has a long history dating back to 1999 (known then as the
Intelligent Systems research group) of fulfilling its aim to improve the quality of products,
services and security issues by the incorporation and application of artificial intelligence,
machine learning, data analytics and visualisation techniques.
The group has improved a wide variety of digital systems, devices, and software
in domestic, medical and industrial settings; and provided automated solutions to a variety of
complex social challenges.
A recent important research grant challenge that the ISRG has been involved
with is the new Horizon 2020 European Grant. The ISRG, as part of a consortium of 17 EU partners,
began working on the grant in August 2018. The grant is worth five million euros, distributed
between 17 partners.
The project has now been successfully completed and the
of this
is highly significant to the British economy, security, public health and the community, as the main
initial beneficiaries are West Midlands Regional Police and Thames Valley Police. AI & DS research
group has successfully hosted the 12th edition of this
conference FICTA 2024 in the recent
past; and now feels proud to host the 13th edition of this conference FICTA 2025.